We encourage all applicants to the 2023 Duke of Edinburgh's Commonwealth Study Conference to have the following endorsement form completed by an individual who knows them and is currently in a leadership position. This individual might be an employer or manager, a trade union representative or leader, a human resources manager, or a community and/or faith leader. This sponsor must know the applicant well and be able to attest to their current responsibilities and potential growth as a leader.
While the Sponsor Endorsement is not a mandatory component of the application, it is strongly recommended.
Please note: All applications will be given a fair assessment by the selection committee whether or not a sponsor endorsement is included.
Applicant Given Name*
Applicant Family Name*:
Applicant Work Title:
Applicant Organization:
Sponsor Name*
Sponsor Work Title*:
Sponsor Email*:
Sponsor Organization (if applicable):
Postal Code/zip code:
How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity? (200 characters)*
Please describe the leadership qualities of the candidate. (2000 characters)*
Why do you believe the candidate would benefit from the Conference experience? (2000 characters)*