How did you first hear about the 2023 Commonwealth Study Conference?* —Please choose an option—Past participantColleagueSponsorEmployerUnion organizationSocial MediaWebsiteOnline advertisingOther
Did you consult the Conference website before applying?* —Please choose an option—YesNo
How satisfied were you with the information on the CSC2023 website?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied
Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
What were your expectations prior to the Conference in terms of what you were going to get out of CSC2023*: —Please choose an option—Leadership skills developmentCultural skills developmentA greater understanding of global issuesA greater understanding of the CommonwealthNetworking opportunitiesA better understanding of other sectors’ points of viewA better understanding of other peoples’ perspectivesA better understanding of the challenges facing your generationOther
What is your expectation?
The Conference provided a unique learning experience*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
My time at the Conference was time well spent*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Compared to other conferences or programs I have attended, I found CSC2023 to be more valuable*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
The Conference experience will make me a better decision maker as a leader in my organization and my community*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
A greater knowledge of the different nations of the Commonwealth*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
A greater knowledge of Canada*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
A greater understanding of issues important to my development as a leader*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
A greater understanding of international issues*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
An opportunity to learn from leaders from other nations*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
An opportunity to learn about other sectors*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Important networking opportunities*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Development of your personal leadership skills*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Changed your view of the importance of other people’s perspectives*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Helped you better understand other nationalities and cultures*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Gave you a better understanding of engaged leadership and inclusive change*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Gave you a better understanding of other sectors’ point of view*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Gave you an opportunity to express your own views to your peers*: —Please choose an option—Totally AgreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeTotally Disagree
Overall, how valuable did you personally find the Conference to be*? —Please choose an option—Extremely valuableSomewhat valuableNeither valuable nor not valuableNot very valuableNot at all valuable
Thinking back to the expectations you had prior to the Conference, would you say the conference*: —Please choose an option—Greatly exceeded my expectationsExceeded expectationsMet my expectationsFell short of my expectations
Would you recommend the Commonwealth Study Conference to*: —Please choose an option—A friendA colleagueAn employerA sponsor
If you were recommending the Conference to a future participant, what challenges would you tell them they should be prepared for:
Overall, which of the following was your favorite part of the Conference*: —Please choose an option—Opening Plenary in BanffYour Study TourDiscussion in your Study GroupsReport-back preparationsClosing plenary and presentations
How satisfied were you with the overall organization of the Conference* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
How satisfied were you with the administrative and logistical support by the Secretariat during the Opening Plenary?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
How satisfied were you with Opening Plenary speakers?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
Would you like to name speakers who stood out for you, and why?
For the future conferences what areas would you want to have covered by the opening plenary speakers:
Did you download the conference app prior to attending CSC2023? YesNo
Participant bios* —Please choose an option—Extremely valuableSomewhat valuableNeither valuable nor not valuableNot very valuableNot at all valuable
Speaker bios* —Please choose an option—Extremely valuableSomewhat valuableNeither valuable nor not valuableNot very valuableNot at all valuable
Schedules* —Please choose an option—Extremely valuableSomewhat valuableNeither valuable nor not valuableNot very valuableNot at all valuable
Linking with other members* —Please choose an option—Extremely valuableSomewhat valuableNeither valuable nor not valuableNot very valuableNot at all valuable
For the next Conference, what additional functions would you like to see included on the Conference app?
How satisfied were you with the overall value of your Study Tour visits as a learning experience?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
How satisfied were you with the variety and diversity of your Study Tour?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
How satisfied were you with the Study Group discussions?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
Were you an active participant in the Study Group discussions?* —Please choose an option—All of the timeMost of the timeSome of the timeNot at all
Did you have sufficient time to discuss issues each day of your Study Tour? YesNo
Did you have enough time during the evening meetings with fellow group members to cover most of the key issues raised during the day? YesNo
How important do you think it is for the Study Group discussions to be kept in camera, or private to the group members only*: —Please choose an option—Very importantSomewhat importantNeither important nor unimportantSomewhat unimportantNot important at all
How did you find the pace of the Study Tours*: —Please choose an option—About rightToo intenseToo slow Please elaborate if you wish: (optional)
How satisfied were you with Closing Plenary overall?* —Please choose an option—Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied
How important do you think it is for each Study Group to prepare a report that summarizes the group’s experiences and learnings?
Did your find the preparation of the Study group report*: —Please choose an option—Very challengingSomewhat challengingNot very challengingNot challenging at all
Thinking about your experience, could you recommend areas in which the closing plenary could be improved for future conferences?
During the Conference did you experience personal communication challenges with the*: —Please choose an option—Application ProcessOpening PlenaryStudy ToursStudy Group DiscussionsClosing PlenaryTravel to and from the ConferenceVisa application for Canada
Thinking back on any communication challenges you had, how do you think future conference could make improvements?
The global Commonwealth conferences have traditionally not charged a conference fee for participants. For future CSCs which statement below best reflects your view*: —Please choose an option—No fee is best in order to ensure equal accessibility for all qualified membersThose who can afford to pay a conference fee, should do so
The global Commonwealth conferences have traditionally required participants to pay for their own travel to and from the Conference. For future CSCs do you believe*: —Please choose an option—All members should pay their own travel costsMembers with more limited resources should have their travel costs covered fully by the ConferenceMembers with more limited resources should have some of their travel costs covered by the Conference, but should be required to cover at least a percentage (25 to 50%) of their travel costs with their own resources