CSC2023 – A Life-Changing Experience for Members
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conference
In June 2023, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conference brought together nearly 300 of the world’s most promising emerging leaders from business, government, labour, and the community sector.
Over two weeks, the Conference exposed each member to new experiences, provoking arguments and different perspectives, so that the quality and relevance of their decision-making as leaders would be improved.
Since the first Conference in 1956, more than 8,000 young leaders have been through the global program and its national and regional affiliates.
Experiential learning is at the heart of the Conference. Our classroom is the broad community, and the enterprises and organizations within it. Diversity is not just a goal, it is the core strength of every Conference.
For emerging leaders around the Commonwealth of Nations, CSC2023 in Canada was the learning, networking and personal development experience of a lifetime.